Monday, 5 March 2007

Remediating the self

Blogging also serves as a way for self-expression. In different types of media, the expression of the self is achieved in different ways, which means that the media itself contributes to how the self is constituted within it. Through media, we are able to define our personal and cultural identity, which serves as our 'anchor' to a given period of history. The fact that our identity is transported through different types of media, means it is subject to a process of 'remediation', where references to older types of media and new possibilities offered by new media converge in the fabrication of the expression of a contemporary self.

In one sense, personal blogs are 'remediations' of the old personal journals, put into the context of digital media. At the same time, the new digital media and communication technologies open up new possibilities for expressing the 'self', which were previously inexistent - this is best captured through the notion of a 'networked self'. In the digital media, which the blogs are part of, the self is constituted by the hypercontextualization within a widespread practice of information exchange. The self in the digital era needs to be defined in relation to the web-like structure of our current lives, where every action and piece of information at a 'node' is connected and defined by the links to it.

When writing a journal, the constructed self is one living a secret and rich life, where the most intimate thoughts are expressed only to oneself. In digital media, the constructed self is a networked self, which is constantly linked and engaged with other selves. We cannot afford individuality in the new 'digital media' and the constructions of selves reflect the highly web-like structure of our lives. At the same time, the blog recenters the subject, since it defines its place in a web of relations. Thoughts are expressed in the blog within this context, and not to a single personal addressee. I will develop this in further posts!

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