Why am I writing this blog?
This blog was born out of an essay idea for a course on 'Philosophical Anthropology', which I follow as part of a program in Philosophy of Science and Technology at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. I pretend to run a blog, where I reflect on it about blogs' possible cultural consequences, namely how the blog defines the subject. Concepts that will also be around are those of hypermediacy, immediacy, and remediation taken from Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin's book "Remediation", as well as notions of de-centereing, re-centering, and the creation of subject, from Petran Kockelkoren's book "Technology: Art, Fairground and Theatre".
This is a new topic for me, and a very stimulating one. My course colleague Bernd Kottier is doing a blog about the same topic!
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